ALES a. s. has been awarded a contract to modernize the LETVIS system at the environment of the search and rescue service by RCC Bratislava (Rescue Coordination Centre). The contract with ANSP in Slovakia, LPS SR š. p. has been signed in April 2022. RCC Bratislava is...

ALES a. s.
The ALES a. s. company was founded in January 1997, and it has its registered office in Trenčín. It has established itself as an important supplier of air traffic control systems and of other special systems not only in the Slovak Republic but also abroad. During its existence, the company has acquired a strong presence in the defence sector. It has been a member of the ICZ group since 2008 when it became a 100% subsidiary of D.ICZ Slovakia a. s.
Company address: | Soblahovská 2050, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovak Republic |
Company ID No.: | 36293440 |
VAT ID: | SK7120000162 |
Incorporated in: | Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Trenčín, Section Sa, Insert No. 10001/R |
Telephone: | +421 326 582 580 |
ALES, s.r.o.
The ALES, s.r.o. company was founded in June 1993. It focuses on the development, production, installation, and servicing of both civil and military systems of air traffic control (ATC/ATM) as well as on systems supporting air force command and control processes (C2). It has been a member of the ICZ groups since 2008.
Company address: | 1718/10 Na hřebenech II St., Nusle, 140 00 Prague, Czech Republic |
Company ID No.: | 48208388 |
VAT ID: | CZ699000372 |
Incorporated in: | City court in Prague, Section C, Insert No. 262972 |
Telephone: | +420 222 271 111 |
ALES a. s.
ALES, s.r.o.
FIDAE 2022
Visit ALES at FIDAE 2022 in Santiago,...
ALES company established
world’s first joint fusion of alliance and post-Soviet radar systems
first installation of LETVIS® – ATM/ATC system; first ATCO simulator delivery
first international contract for LETVIS® – ATC/ATM system delivery
first installation of SEKTOR VS – C2ISR system; first installation of Search and Rescue system – LETVIS® SAR; first delivery of air defence automated command post
first delivery of national stationary center for air operations management
integration of national air command and control systems into NATINAMDS (NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System)
first delivery of automated fire command and control system – ASTRA
acquisition by ICZ Group and formation of ICZ Aerospace and Defence business unit
ATC system for AERO Vodochody Aerospace – Czech Republic
ATC TWR system for Georgian Sakaeronavigatsia; L4444 implementation in LETVIS® and SEKTOR VS systems; first delivery of mobile air operations management center
integration of national interfaces into NATO ACCS system
ATC project for Nepal, first with NEC Corporation; beginning of the first phase of integration of regional CIV/MIL services; new generation of ATC/ATM system – ICZ LETVIS® development
ATC system and simulator for Georgian Sakaeronavigatsia; delivery of hundred consoles for Hungarian HungaroControl
supply of 175 ATCO Consoles for Hungarocontrol, Hungary
modernisation of ATCO Simulator and expansion of the simulator with Mode-S processing at the General M. R. Štefánik Armed Forces Academy
modernisation of the classroom of the ATM / ATC LETVIS system at the University of Defense, including the donation of SW licenses in the value of CZK 3,000,000
supply of main and backup ATC System and ATCO Simulator for Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM), Nepal
supply of ATC LETVIS System and TWR Simulator for Hazrat Shahjalal (DAC) a Shah Amanat (CGP) International Airport, Bangladesh
successful certification of new generation ATM/ATC ICZ LETVIS System
25 years of successful operation of ALES on the market of ATM / ATC Systems and C2 Systems of the Air Force and Air Defense
technical support of SKY AVENGER International Excersise, 21. Tactical Airforce Base Čáslav
completion of second stage of Civilian and Military Area Air Traffic Control services integration in the Czech Republic
gained the prestigious ZLATÝ IDET award for Common Operational Picture of Command and Control Systems of Ground and Air Forces Solution with the highest level of communication protection
supply of main ATC LETVIS System and ATCO LETVIS Simulator for Kamuzu International Airport (LLW), Malawi
modernisation and expansion of ATC LETVIS System at Tbilisi (TBS), Kutaisi (KUT) and Batumi (BUS) International Airport