The 17th IDET – International Defence and Security Technologies Fair took place at the Brno Exhibition Centre on 24 – 26 May. With its exposition, ICZ Group was among the leading domestic exhibitors. Members of the ICZ Group – Delinfo, ALES and S.ICZ – presented...
DELINFO, spol. s r.o.

DELINFO, spol. s r.o. has been active in information technology since 1993, and as part of ICZ Group since 2008. It offers a strong portfolio of products and services in research, development and the implementation of specialized solutions for the defence sector – primarily geographical, but also other information systems for military headquarters and units command and control.
Company address: | Londýnské náměstí 856/2, Štýřice, 639 00 Brno, Czech Republic |
Company ID No.: | 49448218 |
VAT ID: | CZ699000372 |
Incorporated in: | Commercial Register of the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, Inset 12730 |
Delinfo, spol. s r.o.
IDET 2023 Invitation
IDET – International Defence and Security Technologies Fair 24. – 26. 5. 2023 Brno Exhibition Centre...
AFCEA meeting in ICZ
Under the banner of AFCEA, DELINFO participated in the seminar, which was focused on the use of artificial intelligence in the field of leadership, management and digital battlefield, and which was organized on ICZ premises. The participation in this seminar was...
2023 Federated Cloud exercise
DELINFO participated in the event, where more than six hundred specialists in information and communication systems, including the active reserve of the Agency for Communication and Information Systems (AKIS), completed the largest exercise of the signal corps, called...
company founded, training in Chodská, Brno
participation in a presentation of the Czech Army in Washington
first presentation of OTS in the Czech Republic, Havlíčkův Brod
first presentation of OTS abroad, Combined Endeavour
first company participation at the IDET military technology trade fair (ongoing)
first company participation in the Combined Endeavour international exercises (ongoing)
first participation in MIP testing in Greding, Germany (ongoing)
member of ICZ Group
participation in international CWIX and CIAV exercises
permanent member of the Czech Army in MIP in IPT3, IPT 4, OSG
permanent member of the Czech Army in the “NATO Friendly Force Tracking Capability” team
participation in the exhibition IDET a DSEI in cooperation with BAE Systems Hägglunds